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Celebrate Chinese New Year in Honolulu


In Hawaii, there is much evidence of the influence of the Chinese and Chinese culture. The first Chinese people to arrive in Hawaii arrived in 1789. The Chinese have had influence over many aspects of the culture in Hawaii as we know it today. Chinese culture is prevalent throughout the islands. There are Chinese markets, numerous Chinese restaurants, and Chinatown in Honolulu. There is also Chinese elements to local cuisine, local slang, and local culture. One very large celebration of Chinese culture in Honolulu is Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year. Some of the biggest celebrations of Chinese culture each year celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Come experience Chinese culture in Honolulu!

When does the New Year start?

Each new year is marked by the cycle of the moon. It is also known as the rotation of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Generally, the date of the new lunar year falls between January 21st and February 20th. The new year begins on the date of the New Moon. This year, it happens on January 22, 2023. Following last year’s zodiac, the Tiger, this year will be the year of the Rabbit.

When do the celebrations start?

Generally, the celebrations in Honolulu will begin the week prior, starting with the Night in Chinatown festival and a Lunar New Year parade on January 14th. Additionally,The Night in Chinatown festival is free to attend and is fun for the whole family! The festival features lots of fun entertainment, such as martial arts shows, traditional Chinese folk dance, and Chinese Lion Dancing!

The festival is held in Chinatown between A’ala Park & Beretania Street and Maunakea Street to A’ala Street during the hours of 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. 

Chinese New Year Honolulu
Photo by Scribbling Geek on Unsplash

Where will the Chinese New Year Parade be held?

The parade will begin at 4:30 PM and then end at 6:00 PM. The parade route begins at the Hawaii State Capitol, then runs down Hotel Street, and ends at the intersection of Hotel Street and River Street. It will begin to be set up at 3:30 PM. Traffic and parking in the Chinatown area may be affected by both the parade and the festival.

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